Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — If you want to get a tour of Boston, you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home.
"Amy the Amazonian", a popular streamer on Twitch and a Brookline resident, is giving her over 57,000 followers a chance to see the city thanks to her new Boston virtual tour live streams. After 15 years of streaming video and card games, she said she recently decided to start giving her followers tours because she loves going on walks.
"I figured I like to take long walks and I have a phone now with unlimited service," she told WBZ's James Rojas during her most recent stream. "So I can make people watch the long walks."
Her walks take her all across the city hitting top tourist spots like the North End, the reflecting pool, and the Musuem of Fine Arts. However, she also takes suggestions from the people in her chat, adding sometimes people will ask her to go by places they used to live in Boston and other landmarks.
"I'll ask people if they want to take a detour like 'hey do we want to keep on going down this road?'" she said. "It's like picking directions."
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But what about getting weird looks from strangers as treks through Boston talking to her phone? She said it doesn't happen as often as one would think.
"I think that there's a lot of people that video chat with their family and friends [while walking]," she said. "I think some people think that's exactly what I'm doing."
Her streams can be found through her Twitch channel.
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports.
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