Amazon Looking For Office Space In Boston's Seaport District

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BOSTON (WBZ-AM) -- Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said he's excited to hear Amazon is looking to take on office space in the Seaport District.

Documents filed in the city by WS Development show the E-commerce giant is in negotiations to rent one, maybe two buildings.

It isn't their new headquarters--but the company is poised to bring more of its operations to the city, and is looking to take on up to a million square feet of office space and add perhaps a few thousand jobs to the area.

"We'll have, in Boston proper, almost 3,000 jobs itself, plus you have the Cambridge jobs," Walsh told WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Nightside with Dan Rea. "That's a lot of jobs, and that's a lot of investment in the city."

Boston On Amazon's List For Second HQ

Boston has made Amazon's short-list of cities to place its second headquarters.

John Dolan, president of the Commercial Broker's Association, said the possible Amazon expansion is tremendous news--and credits officials for making the seaport and the city a go-to place for business.

"It's fantastic that the city and state have created a climate in which Amazon can continue to grow and thrive, and that the seaport continues to be a destination for companies that want to be here and take an advantage of our talent and the economic incentives that have been put forth," he said.

Dolan said having a big name make a bigger impact is important.

"The young workforce that we've got that is living in Allston-Brighton and should be continuing to live in the places that they lived since college has been a tremendous boon to anybody who wants to be here," he said.

As for Amazon's second HQ, the mayor says that's still in the pipeline, too.

"At some point we will entertain a meeting with them and start talking about what they're looking at and what they're looking for," he said.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Ben Parker reports

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