NightSide with Dan Rea – Rundown for June 13, 2018

Protest Causes Traffic Jam.  Monday, activists for a higher minimum wage blocked a busy intersection in downtown Boston.  The protest began around 4pm and ended around 7:45, leading to four hours of traffic jams in the area.  Is this an effective way to protest?  Did you get caught in traffic?  Have you dealt with protests in the past?  Call the show and join the conversation!

Congressman Stephen Lynch Joins Checks In!  Congressman Stephen Lynch joins the show to discuss his trip to the Middle East.

Cancel the Book Tour? While promoting his new book, President Bill Clinton has had issues answering questions about the #MeToo movement.  Last Thursday, he said "I think the norms have really changed in terms of, what you can do to somebody against their will, how much you can crowd their space, make them miserable at work."  This after revealing he had never privately apologized to former White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.  Does President Clinton understand the #MeToo movement is?  Should President Clinton stop doing interviews to promote his book?  Listen tonight and join the discussion!

Call 617-254-1030 to join the conversation!

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