A Carl Stevens Poem For 4th of July

BOSTON, MA (WBZ-AM) -- In his own poetic way WBZ NewsRadio1030's resident poet laureate Carl Stevens wrote a poem about America's Independence Day.

He expressed it in his own In his own poetic way during morning drive.

A Poem For Independence Day

you're from the u.s.?

welcome home...

you love your country?

you're not alone.

from portland to portland,

you're welcome here...

say hi to john hancock

and paul revere.

walk the side streets

that history's paved...

have a sip of sam adams,

then visit his grave.

see where the red coats'

goals were killed

in the brutal battle

of bunker hill...

after which our rebels

were perched to fight

in the revolutionary dust

of dorchester heights.

where george washington's men

fought without fear,

and convinced the british

to get out of here.

walk to the water

and look at the sea,

rewind two centuries

and throw in some tea.

you looking for leaders?

don't turn away.

over there

stood j.f.k...

independent thought?

this is where ya go:

from malcom x

to henry david thoreau...

amy lowell

was nobody's fool,

and horace mann

invented the school.

it's where people leaern

and where people teach,

it's where doctor king

began to preach.

here we define just

who we are.

you looking for america...

you don't have to look far.

for america's birthday...

this is the place.

we've got the candles,

let's all light the cake.

Listen To Carl's Poem Below

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