Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for August 8, 2019

Bristol County Sheriff Tom Hodgson Stops In.... Sheriff Hodgson comes to visit just as U.S. immigration officials in Mississippi hold the biggest work place raid for illegal aliens in a decade arresting 680 workers. Could the same raids happen here? Dan will ask the sheriff what he thinks of the push to round up people here illegally.

White Privilege Guilt. Actress Rosanna Arquette is tweeting her dismay over her white ethnicity and privileged upbringing.She says being born white and privileged disgusts her and fills her with shame. Is this virtue signaling?

The Hunt. Universal Studios has pulled the trailer of its dark satire "The Hunt", a movie to be released in September about a group of privileged vacationers hunting "deplorables" for sport after the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. According to the movie synopsis the deplorables might just win in the end. Will you see it?

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