Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for September 30, 2019

Elizabeth Warren Says Amnesty For All. Massachusetts senator and 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren says it would be good for American workers if all illegal aliens got amnesty because it would force them to compete. During a Michigan town hall, Warren promised to give amnesty to all 12 to 22 million illegal immigrants living in the country, the result of which would be to drive up foreign competition in the labor market for America’s working and blue-collar class. The Senator also wants to expand legal immigration levels, which are already at historically record-high rates. Do you support Warren's stand on immigration?

Biden Tries To Block Guiliani. Former Vice-President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is asking network executives to stop booking ​President Trump’s personal lawyer ​Rudy Giuliani on their news and talk shows.In a letter to network news presidents, chief anchors and executive producers for ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and Fox News Channel, campaign officials claim the networks are allowing the former New York Mayor to introduce "increasingly unhinged, unfounded and desperate lies into the national conversation.” Is this the sign of a desperate campaign?

OOOps, Climate Protesters Did It Again..... Climate change protesters once again blocked evening rush-hour traffic, this time in Boston's Seaport on Friday night. They shut down the Congress Street bridge that spans Fort Point Channel. There were no arrests, but a lot of shouting through bullhorns and cries for “Climate justice now!.” When did it become okay to disrupt other people and cause traffic jams to force your political views on others?

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