Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for October 17th, 2019

Eversource Says Most Power Is Back! Almost half a million people lost power in the storm last night but Eversource says they were ready for it. Are your lights back on? Senior V.P. Penny Conner joins Dan in studio to answer any of your questions about what happened in the storm and the utility's response.

Should the Vaping Ban End?According to state health officials, the majority of the vaping-related illnesses in Massachusetts are tied to marijuana. Federal authorities go further saying most are linked to vaping THC, the psychoactive compound of marijuana, and have been traced to the black market. Should Governor Baker lift the ban against Vape sales that is ruining legitimate regulated sellers?

Cease Fire. President Trump says today is "a great day for civilization" after Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced terms of a cease-fire agreement that would end violence between Turkey and Kurds in Syria. Democrats say the deal with Turkey validates their offensive, allowing them to annex a part of Syria displacing the Kurds. Is the cease fire a good thing?

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