Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for February 26, 2020

There is a New Candidate in the MA 4th Race! An eighth democrat, former state prosecutor and Massachusetts comptroller Tom Shack, has entered the race to be the next U.S. Rep. in the 4th Congressional District. The seat became open after Rep. Joe Kennedy (D) announced his run against Sen. Edward Markey for U.S. Senate. Shack joins Dan tonight in studio to explain why he should be the next congressman from this important district.

Coronavirus Update with Dr. Sharon Wright of BIDMC. The CDC says a Coronavirus epidemic could be on our doorstep soon. What is the Coronavirus and should you be worried? As the President makes a national statement on the possibilities, Dr. Sharon Wright of Beth Israel Medical Center's Infectious Disease Department joins Dan to answer these questions.

Governor Weld Checks In. Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld is running against President Trump in the upcoming Super Tuesday primary for the republican nomination in order to bring back the conservative principles that many feel have been jettisoned from the Grand Old Party under President Trump's stewardship. Are you looking for a conservative alternative to President Trump?

Call 617-254-1030 to join the conversation.

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