Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for March 30, 2020

Quarantine Derangement Syndrome. Panicky neighbors in Maine cut a tree down to block the driveway of some out-of-towners with New Jersey license plate. This after the Governors of several states, including Massachusetts, have put travel advisories in place and mandatory quarantine requirements for people from out of state. Have quarantine rules run amok?

What Does The Stimulus Package Mean For You? Nightside's own CPA Mark Misselbeck joins Dan to help you navigate the Coronavirus stimulus package just signed by the President designed to give businesses and individuals alike a helping hand in surviving the pandemic economic shutdown. If you have questions because your business was shuttered, or you were laid off now is the time to call!

Fiddling While the Country Burns. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claims the President is fiddling as people are dying and that there will be a legislative investigation after the pandemic is over. Is Speaker Pelosi playing politics with COVID-19? Is she hurting or helping the crisis?

Press Criticism of the President. President Trump says CNN is still promoting a false story even after the true story becomes public. Chuck Todd tried to get former Vice-President Joe Biden to say the President had blood on his hands. Biden balked at the statement, but did Todd reveal a media agenda to make the President responsible for COVID-19 deaths?

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