Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for April 10, 2020

Rep. Stephen Lynch Checks In... Massachusetts Congressman Steve Lynch weighs in on the economy and the recent brouhaha on the USS Roosevelt, the aircraft carrier which lost its Captain after he wrote a memo that went public on the condition of his Coronavirus weakened crew. So far, the incident has sparked an investigation and the resignation of the Acting Secretary of the Navy over inappropriate comments he made about the Captain.

Gordon Chang on China. Best-selling author Gordon Chang - The Coming Collapse of Chinaa nd The Great U.S.-China Tech War - joins Dan to discuss President Trump's threats to cut funds to the World Health Organization (WHO) after they aided China in hiding data on the COVID-19 virus. Chang also suggests that the U.S. should seize China’s holdings as compensation for their negligence regarding the Coronavirus outbreak.

On the Front Lines of Grocery Stores... Massachusetts Congressman Rep. Seth Moulton is calling for expanded statewide protections for grocery store workers during the Coronavirus outbreak, following the death of a Market Basket employee. He is urging Gov. Baker to temporarily grant emergency personnel status to food supply employees, which would give them priority access to in-demand Coronavirus tests and protective gear. Do you support the move?

20th Hour: Tell Us Something Good That Happened to You This Week...let's end the week on a positive note!

Call 617-254-1030 to join the conversation!

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