Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for April 13, 2020

Social Distancing Sidewalks. Officials in the town of Beverly, already under a stay-at-home order, have implemented a new rule on a half-mile stretch of the waterfront Lothrop Street; one-way sidewalks. The new ordinance has been posted on flashing signs and tells pedestrians to walk on sidewalks facing vehicle traffic. Anyone who violates the rule faces up to a $100 fine. The purpose is to make sure social distancing guidelines are adhered to. Is this over the top?

Going Off the PC Cliff. Real Time star, progressive comedian Bill Maher, struck out against the PC police in the most recent edition of his cable show arguing that it should be perfectly OK to refer to Coronavirus as the “Chinese Virus.” The President was excoriated for making the same argument. Maher says his fellow liberals have fallen off a cliff if they value a possible insult more than their lives. Do you agree?

The U.S. Surgeon General Gets Lambasted For Telling the Truth. U.S. surgeon general Dr. Jerome Adams made a direct plea to minorities to watch out for lifestyle factors that increase their predisposition to diseases which put them at a higher risk to be killed by COVID-19. For his trouble he was attacked by liberal media and called a racist for telling minority communities to stay away from alcohol and drugs, and for using informal terms to refer to parents and grandparents. Was the Surgeon General right to issue his warning the way he did?

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