Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for June 9, 2020

To Abolish Or Not To Abolish. Over the past 2 weeks the call for police reform has been growing but now in the wake of the nationwide protests over the death of George Floyd, there is a growing number of Black Lives Matter supporters who are calling for police to be defunded and abolished all together. Here to join the discussion is former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis. What type of police reform is needed and does the notion of defunding the police help or hurt the call to solve racial injustice?

The Rarity of Asymptomatic Spreading. According to an expert at the World Health Organization, the likelihood of an asymptomatic patient transmitting COVID-19 to another individual is very rare. This latest statement from the WHO shocked many as it was the main reason so many went into lockdown in the first place. The WHO has now walked back their statement. Which is it, are COVID-19 patients who are not showing symptoms driving the spread or not?

Joe Kennedy III VS. Ed Markey. In their second debate, things got heated between Rep. Joe Kennedy III and Sen. Ed Markey. Sen. Markey went on the offensive attacking Kennedy’s image calling him a “‘progressive-in-name-only” while Rep. Kennedy criticized Markey’s past votes in favor of NAFTA, the Iraq War, and the 1994 crime bill saying he needs “better judgement”. Which candidate are you more likely to vote for?

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