Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for July 21, 2020

Schooling With Coronavirus Afoot. As we appropriate the new school year, decisions are still being made about in person learning this Fall. The Massachusetts Teachers Association is pushing for a phased in school reopening plan, that which is like the state’s phased reopening plan. The Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education in Massachusetts, Jeffrey Riley, asked school officials to hold off on announcing any final decisions until August. Here to discuss schooling this Fall and what that might look like, is Commissioner Riley and Dr. Sandra Nelson, an infectious disease physician at Massachusetts General Hospital, who has been advising the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on all the health and safety protocols the department has developed to reopen schools.

The Battle Over Police Reform. The Massachusetts House is taking a narrower view than the state Senate did regarding qualified immunity in the Police Reform Bill. While the Senate wanted to ban qualified immunity for police officers, the House will not limit when the immunity applies unless the officer involved has been decertified by the new police standards and training commission. Is this approach too far or not far enough? Chief Jeff Farnsworth, the President of the Massachusetts Police Chiefs Association joins Dan to further discuss police reform in the state and the Association’s views on it.

First Seattle, Now Portland. The heat has been turned up in Portland, Oregon after months of peaceful protests took a turn towards violence. President Trump has vowed to protect historic monuments and federal facilities from vandalism by creating a federal force that will do just that. Federal agents showed up in Portland and immediately clashed with protesters, some of which were vandalizing the downtown courthouse. The federal agents were sent in to prevent another CHOP. Was the President right in sending federal agents to Portland?

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