Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for September 25, 2020

Baker Vs. Trump. This morning President Trump called Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker a RINO after Baker vociferously defended mail-in-voting and criticized the President for implying that voter fraud could be an obstacle to a smooth transfer of power after the election. The President tweeted that there is "fraud being found all over the place" and ended with "Wrong Charlie!" Whose side are you on?

Tased For Not Wearing a Mask! An Ohio mom was tased in the bleachers as she watched her 7th grade son's football game after a school police officer tried to remove her from the stadium for not wearing a mask. The asthmatic was socially distance from everyone else and surrounded by her younger children at the time of the altercation and subsequent arrest. Have the mask police gone too far?

20th Hour: Radio Reminiscences. Radio is booming these days whether on a terrestrial station or streaming. What are your favorite radio shows and personalities of days gone by?

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