At A Snail’s Pace. Massachusetts is trailing 42 other states when it comes to getting the COVID vaccine into people’s arms. Thus far, the state has administered 48.9% of its available vaccines prompting many to ask why is the state taking so long with the vaccine rollout? Today during a press conference Gov. Baker said, “we can only move as fast as the federal government shifts vaccines to the Commonwealth.” As more COVID variants are being discovered, are you concerned the state is not moving fast enough with the vaccine rollout?
The Article of Impeachment Cometh....The House is delivering the article of impeachment against former President Trump on the charge of “incitement of insurrection” tonight. Senate leaders say the trial will begin on February 8th. In order to convict President Trump and bar him from holding office in the future, all Senate Democrats and 17 Republicans will have to vote guilty. Is this the way to unifying the country or is it guaranteed to increase divisions?
Peter Pan Gets Banned. It appears that the cartoon boy that never grew up is too “grown up” for young eyes. Disney + has removed Peter Pan and several other classic films from the children's section of their streaming service over concerns they portray racial stereotypes. Also on the chopping block are The Aristocrats, Swiss Family Robinson, and Dumbo. The decision to remove the movies was made by a group of independent experts who decided the content involved did not “represent global audiences”. Was this a wise decision by Disney or have they gone too far?
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