Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for April 22, 2021

Amb. Scott Brown Adds a Few More Titles Including Dean. Former Massachusetts Senator and U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand Scott Brown is back and diving into his new job as Provost and Dean of New England Law - Boston. He is ready to weigh in on the pandemic, our relationship with China, gun control, the border, the Chauvin trial, you name it. Get on board now!

Hero or Murderer? A Columbus Ohio police officer shot and killed a sixteen-year old girl who was attempting to stab another woman she had wrestled up against a car. The officer had walked into a chaotic scene of screaming and shouting and one victim already on the ground after being forewarned by the 911 dispatcher that a female perpetrator with a knife was assaulting people. Is the officer a hero for saving the life of the second intended victim or a murderer for shooting the teen with the knife?

Standing for Your Principles. A junior at Virginia Tech is suing her former soccer coach for unfair treatment she received after refusing to kneel before a game. Kiersten Hening says her former coach, Charles “Chugger” Adair, “subjected her to repeated verbal abuse, and forced her off the team.” Hening is suing for a judgment that Adair violated both her First and Fourteenth Amendment rights, among other things. Does this sound like a First and Fourteenth amendment violation to you?

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