Nightside with Dan Rea - Rundown for May 6, 2021

Dedham Coach vs. Dedham Public Schools. Dedham High School football coach David Flynn found himself out of a job months after raising concerns about his 7th grade daughter’s world history curriculum. Flynn questioned a course, “World Geography and Ancient History”, that his publicly educated daughter was being taught where it appeared the course focused instead on race, gender, and discrimination issues. Flynn believes his termination was punishment for rejecting the course material and is suing for violation of his First Amendment rights. Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, the group representing Flynn in federal court, joins Dan to discuss the case.

“Liberals Who Can't Quit Lockdown”. Despite the updated health guidelines from the CDC that include relaxed mask wearing outdoors and encourage fully vaccinated citizens to travel, many progressives are not willing to let go of pandemic restrictions. One example comes out of Brookline, Massachusetts where the town decided to extend their outdoor mask mandate regardless of the shift in public health advice. What happened to “believing the science”?

Facebook Ban Makes Strange Bedfellows… The decision by Facebook's "Supreme Court" to uphold the ban on former President Trump has created an odd moment in time when both conservatives and liberals are on the same side of an issue. In this case both former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows and progressive Massachusetts Senator Liz Warren agree that giant tech companies have gotten too powerful and should be broken up. Does Facebook need to be regulated?

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