Bratton vs. Rollins. Former Boston Police Commissioner Bill Bratton and Suffolk County D.A. Rachael Rollins are at loggerheads over how to keep the peace this summer. Bratton says Rollins is “well-intended” but has “lost sight of the fact that very bad, very vicious people deserve to be in jail.” The D.A. responded that violent crimes must be prioritized and that the former commissioner's time in office was marred by corrupt and egregiously unconstitutional investigations. Who do you trust to enforce the law?
The Borders are Closed...Sort of... The Department of Homeland Security announced Sunday that U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada will remain closed to nonessential travel "to reduce the spread" of COVID-19. Southbound travel from the U.S. into Mexico's northern border cities has gone unchecked since the beginning of the pandemic but not so with Canada. With widespread vaccine availability as well as low numbers of COVID infections, why the strict closure?
Is the Flag Washed-Up? Singer Macy Gray penned an Op-Ed for Market Watch calling the American flag “tattered, dated and divisive” and says it should be replaced. She claims Old Glory "no longer represents ALL of us. It’s not fair to be forced to honor it. It’s time for a new flag.” Does she have a point or is this just one more attack on American symbolism designed to weaken and divide us as a nation?
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