The Globe Endorses Andrea Campbell. Yesterday, The Boston Globe endorsed city mayoral candidate Andrea Campbell. The editorial staff says Campbell has their support because she has a sense of urgency on the city’s biggest issues, including the education and justice systems. Will the endorsement make a difference for Campbell?
Stir Over Texas’ Abortion Law. Many pro-choice advocates are up in arms over a new law that went into effect in Texas that bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. The law allows any citizen who does not work for state or city government, to bring a civil lawsuit against any doctor who performs an abortion after six weeks. Is this new law a step in the wrong direction for women’s rights? Are you in favor or against Texas’ abortion law?
President Biden's All-Time Low. A new NPR poll says the President's approval rating has sunk to new depths. According to the new poll, Biden’s approval rating sits at 43%. The President fell a total of 6 points from July to August, with the biggest hit coming among independent voters. Why do you think President Biden has lost the trust of the American people?
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