NightSide with Dan Rea – Rundown for September 20, 2021

The Border is Closed to Haitians. Haitians camping in Texas are being flown back to their native island in one of the largest refugee expulsions the country has seen in decades. More than 3,000 people have already been removed from the Del Rio camp to planes or detention centers, and the border patrol says the remaining 12,600 migrants should be gone by the end of the week. The Boston-area Haitian community is calling the deportations “heartless.” Do you agree?

Antisemitism and the State of Israel. Antisemitism seems to be growing in recent years. In just the last six months alone, we’ve seen opposition towards the nation of Israel and its policies, even among some politicians. Is anti-Zionism a contemporary form of antisemitism? Rachel Lerman, Senior Counsel and Vice Chair of the Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law joins Dan to discuss.

The Religious Exemption. The battle ensues for many looking for religious exemptions to combat the growing number of vaccine mandates among workplaces and schools. As it stands federal civil rights law requires companies to accommodate religious beliefs that are “sincerely held”. Companies face the risk of lawsuit if they challenge the sincerity of their employee’s belief. Where do you come down on vaccine mandates?

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