NightSide with Dan Rea - Rundown for December 2, 2021

Geoff Diehl On Baker's Bow Out. With Governor Baker giving a third term a pass, the one announced Republican challenger has a clear field for the primary - at the moment. Former State Representative and Senate Candidate Geoff Diehl joins Dan to discuss what Baker's decision means for the race and who will be his toughest opponent. Get your questions ready!

Not Going Down Without a Fight! Hanover teacher Kari MacRae was fired from her job after a video from her previous campaign for the Bourne School Committee surfaced in which she said she was running to ensure students were not being taught that gender is a choice and to protect them from CRT. She is now suing the school district officials for violating her First Amendment rights. Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, the group representing Kari in court, joins Dan to discuss the case.

Plane vs. the Rio Grande. A White House correspondent challenged America’s top infectious diseases expert, Anthony Fauci, over testing for those traveling from abroad by plane compared to those who cross the U.S.-Mexico border. Fauci called those coming across the border illegally "a different issue". Is holding illegal immigrants to a different standard hypocrisy?

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