NightSide with Dan Rea - Rundown for June 27, 2022

“Lack of Representation”. The search for the new Boston Public Schools Superintendent is down to two finalists but not everyone is pleased with the pool of finalists. NAACP leader and candidate for Secretary of State Tanisha Sullivan is ringing the alarm over the pool’s “lack of representation”. Sullivan does not take personal aim with the finalists, but rather with the fact that while a majority of BPS students are Black or Latino, neither of the finalists reflect that. Tanisha Sullivan joins Dan to discuss how she believes the search for superintendent needs to be halted.

Expansion of the Court? After last Friday’s Supreme Court announcement of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, multiple protests have broken out across the country. Democrats in particular have expressed much disapproval and presented solutions to what they believe needs to occur as a result. MA Sen. Elizabeth Warren suggested over the weekend that the Court needs more justices. Do you agree? Should the Court elect more justices? Tonight, we discuss all the happenings in the wake of the Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade.

The Right To Pray. The Supreme Court came out with another big ruling, this time for religious freedom in the case of the Washington high school praying football coach who was reprimanded for praying on the field after games. The Court ruled that Coach Kennedy had the right to pray on the field immediately after games. Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the majority opinion, “Both the Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of the First Amendment protect expressions like Mr. Kennedy’s.” Tonight, your reaction to the Court’s ruling.

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