Morgan White Fills In On NightSide with Dan Rea - Rundown for May 26, 2023

Everything Old is New Again! The proverb “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is something Jason Roberts, owner of Repurposed in Provincetown, takes literally. His store features repurposed products made by local artists to creative folks as far away as Europe, Asia, and Africa! They believe in a fresh start for old stuff, so before tossing out that old lamp or small appliance, why not donate it so it may live on as a beautiful work of art? Repurposed owner Jason Roberts joins Morgan to chat about items you’ll find when visiting his Provincetown store.

Ring of Fire. Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 14, 2023, and secure your spot to view this year’s annular solar eclipse! The Moon will pass directly between the Earth and the Sun creating a "ring of fire" given the Moon is slightly smaller than the Sun. Astronomer Dave McDonald chats with Morgan about this October occurrence and tips for catching a glimpse!

Beyond The Audio Clip Trivia Quiz. Known for his nostalgic trivia shows, Mel Simons has been a staple on WBZ Radio for decades and entertains at reunions, weddings, bar mitzvahs, and more! Simons is also an experienced accordionist, author, humorist, disc jockey, and MC. But did you know Mel is also a veteran? Tonight, he joins Morgan to chat about his initial feelings after donning his uniform.

Call 617-254-1030 to join the conversation! 

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