NightSide with Dan Rea - Rundown for March 20, 2024

NightSide News Update. We begin the program by bringing you four news segments with different guests on the stories we think you need to know about! Tune in at 8PM for this insightful hour!

Can I Help the Next Customer? Most regular hardworking citizens go grocery shopping where it’s highly likely you’ve seen the integration of self-checkout machines at your local stores. You either love them or hate them. Where do you come down on the debate? Do you find self-checkout convenient or more of a hassle? Boston Globe reporter Hiawatha Bray wrote a piece praising self-checkout and joins us to discuss!

Who’s It Going to Be? Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy is running for President of the United States as an independent. Kennedy is expected to announce his vice-presidential nominee next week. Some expectations for his VP pick are NY Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers and former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura. What is your prediction? Who should Kennedy choose? Would it have influence in you voting for him?

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