An Ode To Baseball's Opening Day

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — It's opening day for Major League Baseball. As the Boston Red Sox begin defending of their World Series title — Carl Stevens is already in mid-season form with a poem.

By Carl Stevens, WBZ NewsRadio

It's that time, The Sox are gonna do battle,

It's opening day for them, in Seattle...

The World Series champs will do their best,

As they take the field in the Pacific Northwest.

What wild adventures will we see this year

As we eat our hot dogs and sip our beer?

What crazy triumphs will fill our pail

As we celebrate Mookie, Bogaerts and sale...

Will the boys of summer win it all in the fall?

Two years in a row, will they take it all?

Will they trounce the Indians, the Astros, New York

And celebrate in October, pop the cork?

There's a whole lotta time before we light that flame,

Today is the first of one hundred sixty two games.

We'll endure ups and downs, elation and rancor,

We'll hold onto that ship like a cantankerous anchor,

And when the sun sets at the end of the year

We'll be shaking our heads or standing to cheer...

So enjoy the games, the sound and the sight...

Fasten your seatbelts, it all starts tonight.

WBZ NewsRadio’s Carl Stevens (@CarlWBZ) reports.

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