Boston Among The Most Walkable Cities In The U.S.

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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) —  Boston is high on a list of the most walkable cities in the U.S.

A report from non-profit Smart Growth America found that Boston came in second out of 20 large U.S. cities. for being walker-friendly for both tourists and residents alike.

The study examined how close essential amenities are to one another, including grocery stores, offices, gyms, and public transportation. Some residents told WBZ NewsRadio's James Rojas that Boston is so walkable, they don't own a car.

“Yeah, I walk to work every day. [No] I don’t own a car. There’s no need," said one resident. 

“I just like walking to work you know”? Good for the cardio," said another. 

New York City is in the top spot for most walkable cities while D.C. and Seattle rounded out the third and fourth for travel by foot. 

WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports. 

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