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DUXBURY, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Duxbury Beach officials are asking residents to treat bird watchers with kindness after a recent rise in harassment.
Duxbury Beach Reservation said some people have been harassing Duxbury Beach shorebird monitors recently and they are growing concerned. People have been revving their engines at staff in the road, swerving around employees, and yelling at the monitors while they are working.
"The Duxbury Beach shorebird monitors, who are primarily young adults, have been experiencing an alarming rise in harassment," wrote Duxbury Beach Reservation.
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The reservation said they believe a small group is responsible, but are asking the community to keep an eye out for any signs of bad behavior.
"Please help support monitors by keeping a watchful eye out for any inappropriate behavior," wrote Duxbury Beach Reservation.
If anyone sees any signs of harassment they can report it to Beach Operations or the Duxbury Police Department.
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