Photo: WBZ NewsRadio / Emma Friedman
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — On Friday morning, thousands of rowers gathered under blue skies at the Charles River to kick off the annual Head of the Charles Regatta. Thousands of teams came to Boston from far and wide to compete in the world's largest three-day rowing competition, according to the Head of the Charles Regatta's official website.
The regatta kicked off with the men’s and women's senior-veteran/grand veteran singles race on Friday morning. More than 11,000 rowers from 24 countries are expected to compete in the competition.
Photo: WBZ NewsRadio / Emma Friedman
"I am the coxswain so my job is to keep these guys informed on what's going on around them during the race and keep the boat going straight," Rob, a competitor from Pennsylvania said.
His team has been unable to come to Boston for the competition since the COVID pandemic began, making this year their first time back. His teammate Ron said they are looking forward to seeing all the fans back on the sidelines bringing up the energy levels with their cheers.
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This year, around 400,000 spectators are expected to come and watch the event.
One competitor named Tom told WBZ's Jim MacKay rowing is the ultimate team sport, as the entire team must work together for a chance to beat the competition.
"Rhythm's everything, without rhythm the boat's not going to go," Tom said. "You need to be set, collected, and move the boat together."
Teams will compete over the weekend in 1,900 boats in 61 events, according to the Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau.
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