Photo: WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Massachusetts health and environmental officials came out with updated tips for pet owners on Wednesday as they continue to monitor bird flu cases across the state.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife asked residents to stay away from wildlife and to report any birds that look sick or dead to the state.
"Dogs and other pets should be leashed and kept away from wildlife," Andrew Vitz, a state ornithologist with MassWildlife, said on Wednesday. "Pets are highly susceptible to HPAI virus and should be kept indoors."
Cat owners are being asked to keep their pets inside since cats are highly susceptible to HPAI and could die from being infected.
Officials said that evidence suggests that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus, which is a type of bird flu, is widespread across the state. There was an outbreak reported earlier this month in Plymouth that was suspected of killing Canada geese, swans, and other birds there.
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"Surveillance testing of individual dead birds indicates [that] the virus is widespread in the state among our wild water birds," said Andrew Vitz, a state ornithologist with MassWildlife.
Both wild and domesticated birds can become infected. Raptors, waterfowl, and other aquatic birds at the most at risk of being infected with bird flu. Wild animals that tend to feed on birds, like foxes, are also at risk of becoming infected.
Vitz said if you see more 5 or more dead wild birds to report it here.
If you see sick or dead domestic birds you can report it here.
Officials said it's important for anyone with a domestic flock to avoid any unnecessary movement and to isolate new birds for at least one month.