Photo: WBZ NewsRadio \ Kim Tunnicliffe
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Despite warnings year after year, during the busy Boston move-in season trucks continue to face the "storrowed." Boston saw its first "storrowing" of the month on Thursday after a U-Haul truck had its roof peeled off from a low-bearing overpass on Storrow Drive.
"We mainly just tell them to stay away from Storrow Drive because none of our trucks can really go on Storrow Drive, I mean the vans can but we even tell them to keep those from that area," the General Manager of U-Haul in Hyde Park Darren Spriggs told WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe.
September 1 is Boston's biggest move-in day from many leases starting and college students returning for the fall semester. The move-in day is widely known throughout the city and in Allston it even has a nickname, "Allston Christmas" from all of the items left on the street during the moving process.
Read More: Allston Christmas Has Arrived: Here's What You Need To Know
"We probably got 30 to 40 trucks here on the lot, we've sent out each truck two times a day and it's probably been like that for the past week," Spriggs said.
He told Tunnicliffe that U-Haul's own insurance doesn't typically cover overhead damage, so the best advice he can give to U-Haul renters is to stay away from Storrow Drive and all the river roads.
WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe (KimWBZ) has more:
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