Photo: WBZ NewsRadio \ Shari Small
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — One local couple is in need of a kidney and is hoping some T riders can help.
The Lexington couple put up poster ads on MBTA trains and buses to try and find someone willing to donate a kidney. Deborah Savuto has Alport's Syndrome, a rare genetic disease that caused her to lose liver function.
Her husband Paul donated his kidney to Deborah in 2002, but they only last between 12 and 20-something years.
Now Deb is in need of a new kidney and the couple decided to try a new creative way to find one... by taking to public transport.
"We're getting a lot of response," Savuto told WBZ's Shari Small.
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The posters have a photo of Deb and her husband and say "My wife, Deb, needs a new kidney," along with a link to the donation inquiry website with more information.
"Recently, doctors told Deb that the kidney I gave her 20 years ago, is showing signs of decline. This brings you to where Deb is today. If you know of someone who would be willing to donate their kidney, like I have, please fill in the form to find out more. This could save more than one person's life," Savuto wrote.
"It really is incredible," Deb said. "It's not difficult to find a match, it's finding the right person that is willing to donate."
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