Photo: WBZ NewsRadio \ Matt Shearer
SALEM, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Over 200,000 tourists have taken a trip to Witch City this October to get in the Halloween spirit with costumes, witch trial reenactments, historic graveyards, and... Britney Spears' biggest fan.
While roaming the streets of Salem, WBZ's Matt Shearer had a sing-along with a man who loves doing taxes and listening to "Oops! I Did It Again."
"I try to emulate my heroes... Britney Spears is definitely a hero of mine I can't emphasize that enough," Evan Beilin, a part-time tax accountant and Britney's biggest fan told WBZ's Matt Shearer.
Beilin can be found dancing in Salem with an American flag in hand while jamming out to Britney Spears songs. When asked why he does it Beilin said it's to show Britney how much he and other fans care.
"She is more loved than she has any idea and so many people have her back," Beilin told WBZ's Matt Shearer.
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