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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — You've been booed! Do you know what that means?
Some Boston residents seemed to have missed out on one Halloween tradition called "booing." Depending on where you are from you might call it "ghosting" or "hobgoblining."
WBZ's Matt Shearer tried to "boo" some Boston residents... it didn't exactly go to plan.
"Booing" is the Halloween tradition where one person will leave a bag full of candy and other Halloween goodies at someone's doorstep, knock, and run away. It is similar to a ding-dong-ditch, but with candy and an incentive to keep it going and boo someone else.
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"I wouldn't leave it on a doorstep... I would leave them black liquorish, nobody eats that," one Boston man told Matt who didn't quite understand the concept of the Halloween tradition.
While the tradition might not be as popular in Massachusetts as in other parts of the country, people still get in the Halloween spirit with carved pumpkins, trick-or-treating, and costumes.
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