BOSTON, MA (WBZ-AM) -- It's the City of Boston versus Beacon Hill.
Boston's Mayor Marty Walsh is not happy with Gov Baker's budget proposal saying it leave public school students behind.
Walsh minced no words taking aim at Governor Charlie Baker's state budget proposal which he says under funds education in the city.
“In the first shot of the budget I'm not optimistic about what happened with this with the city now we need we need to get more funding to Boston,” Walsh said.
Walsh says Boston needs nearly $100-million-dollars more for charter schools than what Governor Baker has proposed.
“It has not to do with election days and it's not against the Governor, it's about the budget this has nothing to do with politics, the Governor is a friend” Walsh said.
Walsh hopes the legislature will restore what the governor has taken away.
WBZ NewsRadio1030's Mike Macklin reports.