BOSTON (WBZ-AM) -- At a recent lecture, Northeastern University political economics professor Barry Bluestone, who has strong feelings against President Donald Trump, said he wouldn't mind seeing the leader dead.
He made the comments in an Open Classroom video that was posted to YouTube on Monday, saying, "Sometimes I want to just see him impeached other times, quite honestly — I hope there are no FBI agents here — I wouldn’t mind seeing him dead," according to The Boston Globe.
Northeastern has criticized Bluestone's comments and removed the video in which they were featured--but the professor told WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Carl Stevens he doesn't think someone should kill the president.
"I guess I regret the word," he said. "In the moment I said 'dead,' but I said 'disappear' is what I meant ... I want him to disappear, I want him out of the picture--but certainly, I would not want anyone to do harm to him," Bluestone said.
What he doesn't regret is saying that he wishes Trump was not in office--but he's a pacifist, and is against anyone harming the president.
"Obviously, I want no one to ever, ever do anything violent, and that includes against the president."
WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Carl Stevens reports