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BOSTON, MA (WBZ-AM) -- As the nor'easter is making landfall across the region area law enforcement and fire agencies are getting a first hand look at the storm havoc.
Duxbury, MA Police shared video of a home being flooded at Abrams Hill.
In the video seen below you can see waters reaching the door of the cape style structure.
On the north shore, WBZ NewsRadio1030's Kayrn Regal described the flooding conditions listen below.
In Quincy, as the first high tide hit around 11:00 AM flooding occurred along many roads near the shore.
Quincy Police and Fire crews were forced to conduct a few rescues
Officials in Quincy have urged drivers to not drive in flooded roads -- even if it may look shallow.
The storm however is not stopping those curious to stepout or even bring their kayak's out.
In East Boston, Steve Holt tweeted a photo of his neighbor out "for a leisurely kayak along surface streets in the middle of a #Noreaster, as one does."
Over in Watertown, MA Arsenal Street is shut down due to a series of power lines and poles down. Police there have urged drivers to avoid that area until further notice.
Jacquelyn Goddard, Communications Director for MassDOT, tweeted a photo of a car attempted to drive through flooded roadways near Salem Station.
In New Hampshire, Streets on the Seacoast are flooding as and high tide arrives there Some roads have been closed off at the beaches in York and Rye.
Seacoast Streets Flooding as Nor’easter and High Tide Arrive
Crews from a number of power utilities are criss-crossing the state attempting to clean up down power poles and lines from high winds.
For insstance crews from Eversource were out in Weston and Richmond, MA near the NY/MA State Line
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