BOSTON, MA (WBZ-AM) --The Mass Supreme Judicial courts has ruled that convicted child rapist Wayne Chapman can be released from prison.
A single justice of the high court has just turned down a petition by Chapman's victims--asking he be kept locked up.
This clears the way for Chapman to walk free any day now.
Attorney Speaks Out About Her Fight To Prevent Child Rapist's Release
"We're still looking for a place, like I said it's something that takes time," said Chapman's Attorney Eric Tennen.
Tennen insists his client is no longer a danger to the public--saying he's so old and frail he couldn't physically abuse anyone.
Still, his victims remember and it's all laid out in a reports obtained by WBZ NewsRadio1030.
Chapman has admitted abusing more than 100 young boys prior to his incarceration 40 years ago and he's long been a suspect in the disappearance of a Lawrence boy back in 1976,
He candidly shares with the examiner with the private forensic health services, which made the recommendation to Department of Corrections. Offenses dating back to the late 1960's,
In the reports Chapman says he feels like something inside him compelled him to do these things.
Related Court Documents Below [Warning May Contain Graphic Content]
These things, including pretending he had a lost dog to lure children into the woods, to cemeteries, to quiet dark places, to do things Chapman defined as 'play'. his victims disagreed.
Chapman remains a suspect in the disappearance of a Lawrence boy in 1976.
Victim's advocates say it's unlikely he's been "cured" by his time behind bars.