Amazon Alexa Skill Helps Students Navigate College Life

BOSTON, MA (WBZ-AM) -- Going away to college can be a big lesson in organization for any student. Husky Helper is being offered to students at Northeastern to use on their Alexa devices in their dorm rooms.

 Somen Saha was working at Northeastern University in IT when he got the idea for Husky Helper. The co-CEO and founder of N-Powered says he realized schools need a more cohesive way to get information to students. Saha says they take student privacy very seriously. 

"All data in flight or in storage are always encrypted. Even if a hacker got into the data, they're going to find jibberish. Second of all, the student themselves has to enroll themselves to say, yes, I authorize N-Powered or authorize the university to access the data and serve it back to me." 

Joel Evans is the co-CEO and founder of N-Powered. He says students in a test run were surprised at just how much it could do. 

"What's my next class? Which is very much something that's tied to them. Or, who is my financial advisor? They can also use it to say, what events are happening today? What events are happening tomorrow? What time does this place open or close?" 

Evans says, when it comes to privacy, they follow Amazon's best practices. Both students and schools can choose how much personal information they want to make available

WBZ NewsRadio1030's Nichole Davis reports.

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