Woman Rescued From Red Line Tracks

red line mbta central square

(Carl Stevens/WBZ NewsRadio 1030)

CAMBRIDGE (WBZ-AM) -- It was a close call for one woman at the MBTA Red Line's Central Square stop Thursday morning, who ended up off the platform as a train approached.

The woman ended up underneath the front skirt of the train, between two rails. Deputy Fire Chief Sean White told WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Carl Stevens firefighters responded quickly and got her out of there.

"Once we had the power shut down, it was within minutes," he said. "They basically had to crawl down underneath in between the train and the platform. Once they got to her, they put her safely on a backboard and slid her out."

The rescue delayed Red Line trains during the height of the morning commute, but the MBTA said that regular service had resumed shortly after 9 a.m.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Carl Stevens (@carlwbz) reports

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