Dan hosts the 6th annual NightSide Charity Combine! Where he has representatives from 20 or so charity's come into studio and explain their cause.
SHADOW FUND - http://shadowfundne.org/
EASTER SEALS - http://www.easterseals.com/ma/
PROJECT BREAD - http://www.projectbread.org/
VETERAN’S INC - http://www.veteransinc.org/
MIRACLE LEAGUE OF BOSTON - http://www.miracleleagueofma.com/
ST. GIANNA’S PLACE - http://stgiannasplace.org/
PAW’S PROJECT FOUNDATION - https://pawsprojectfoundation.org/
MA DOWN SYNDROME CONGRESS - https://mdsc.org/index.cfm
NATIONAL MS SOCIETY - https://www.nationalmssociety.org/Chapters/MAM
IPSWICH JUNIOR SAILING - https://www.ipswichjuniorsailing.org/
NORTHBRIDGE COMMUNITY TV - http://www.nctv11.org/
READ TO A CHILD - https://readtoachild.org/
BREAD OF LIFE, INC - http://www.breadoflifemalden.org/
VEST-A-DOG - http://mavestadog.org/vests/
AVIATION MUSEUM OF NH - https://aviationmuseumofnh.org/
NFL SPEAKS - http://nflspeaks.com/
B+ FOUNDATION - https://bepositive.org/
PENNEY RICHARDS MEMORIAL FUND INC - http://www.penneyrichards.com/index2.htm
MY BROTHER’S KEEPER - http://www.mybrotherskeeper.org/
SWEET PAWS - https://www.sweetpawsrescue.org/