Opening the Jail House Doors. Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins says she is releasing inmates who may be vulnerable to the Coronavirus in an effort to protect both those in jails and the public. The move comes a day after the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts wrote a letter to Gov. Baker urging the release of prisoners along with a call for police to stop arresting individuals on minor offenses and requesting citations instead to reduce the number of people in the criminal legal system during the pandemic. D.A. Rollins joins Dan to answer your questions about the controversial move. Do you think this is a good idea?
Panic Pandering. New York Mayor Bill De Blasio gave a press conference yesterday where he excoriated President Trump for inaction saying the failure to activate military forces was going to kill people. Meanwhile First Lady Melania Trump made a new public service announcement telling Americans this too will end, schools will re-open and life will get back to normal. Who was behaving more responsibly with the best interests of the country in mind?
Calling Up the Military. Governor Baker is activating the National Guard in Massachusetts. The Governor says the expertise of the National Guard will benefit our communities with logistical support and other assistance during the crisis.Is this necessary and what do you think they should guard? Should the President deploy U.S. troops as well?
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