Mass. To See Hot Weather As Beaches Begin To Reopen Amid COVID-19 Crisis

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Massachusetts is set to see temperatures in the 80s this week as beaches in the state begin to reopen.

“We are expecting temperatures are going to be warming up quite substantially over the next few days. In Boston, into the 70s. Inland it will be into the 80s,” National Weather Service’s William Babcock said.

Babcock said that humidity is expected along with the warmer temperatures. "Maybe not quite the really icky, sticky humidity of mid-summer, but dew points will be getting up into the lower 60s. And at that point you really start to feel the humidity a little bit," he said.

Social distancing rules have been put in place at beaches because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Read More: What You Need To Know About The New England Beach Rules

Among the new rules, it is required that everyone over the age of two must wear a face mask when they cannot socially distance. Also, there must be a minimum of 12 feet between towels or blanket groups. Also, groups cannot have more than 10 people.

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(Photo: Getty Images)

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