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HOLBROOK, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A recent graduate from Bay State College found success online through the aesthetically-pleasing craft of coffee. In March of 2020, Vivian Nguyen of Holbrook created @coffeebae97, an account that features videos of her brewing coffee and blending ingredients. The account reached almost a million followers on Tiktok, and roughly a third of that on Instagram.
Nguyen spoke to WBZ's Matt Shearer about her viral coffee concoctions, she said, "I know some people say 'oh it's just a video,' but truthfully it is art."
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Nguyen said that her mother didn't quite understand the idea at first, "She was like, 'okay I paid for four years for you to go to college to become an Instagram-person?'" But with Coffee Bae's popularity booming, Nguyen's mother came around to it.
Her newest business endeavor involved launching her own brand of coffee beans, on her website "Coffee Bae Coffee World."
WBZ's Matt Shearer (@MattWBZ) reports.
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