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BOSTON, Mass. (WBZNewsRadio) - After a pause during the 2021 holiday break, the Boston Public Health Commission along with the School Committee is giving the green light for sports practices to return as soon as next Tuesday, January 18.
The pause went into effect on Dec. 23 after rising COVID cases in the city prompted rolling shut downs in the Boston City League school. The pause was originally set to end this past Monday. But at last night's school committee meeting, Superintendent Brenda Casselius announced the pause would remain in effect until Tuesday, Jan 18. for practices. And if the COVID numbers appear to be moving in the right direction, games would likely resume by Jan. 24.
A #LetUsPlay rally was scheduled for this afternoon at 3 p.m. in front of Boston City Hall, demanding the return of sports. That has since been put on hold.
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports