Photo: Photo Courtesy of Jenn DeBarge Goonan @cheers_to_flowers on Instagram
MILTON, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Jenn DeBarge Goonan of Milton planted a backyard flower garden about a year and half ago to channel her anxiety brought on by the pandemic and most recent election. But after some time, her backyard bouquet business started to bloom into something charitable.
Goonan said her business "Cheers to Flowers" delivers flowers to a local hospice or senior center for every bouquet sold.
"I love giving flowers as gifts, and I love receiving them, and it makes you just feel good- it brings beauty to your day. I did it for the patients but also for the families too to give them some comfort- and just a little pick-me-up when they're going through a dark time." Goonan said.
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In terms of flower selection, Goonan said there are options.
"Dahlias, zinnias, cosmos, all types of herbs, gives really nice textures to arrangements- I have a lot more planned," Goonan said.
So far "Cheers to Flowers" has donated about 200 flowers arrangements, Goonan said.
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports.
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