Photo: Sightings Daily
NASA has been exploring Mars with rovers for years and recently, their Perseverance rover might have photographed something very interesting. According to UFO expert Scott Waring, photos of Mars that the space agency released last April show an "alien" that he describes as "100% proof of intelligent life."
Waring posted the photos on his website, UFO Sightings Daily, and says they show a small being with a pink body, lying on a rock. He explains, "There is a person laying down watching the NASA Mars rover from a safe distance away. The person is about one-foot tall, and laying down, pinkish upper chest, neck and face, radish hair, wearing a dark suit, but has a grey object over one shoulder, it looks like a backpack of some sort." He goes on to say, "There are even footprints behind the person leading up to the location they chose to lay down at."
Photo: Sightings Daily
Of course, it could also be nothing at all. The image comes from a much larger panorama that was created based on raw footage released at Zooming into a photo, like what was done to capture this "alien," a person might be able to turn inanimate objects into something they are not.
Even though Waring claims the shot to be "100% proof" of aliens, NASA has not, and likely will not, comment on it.