Photo: Brooke McCarthy/WBZ NewsRadio
PEABODY (WBZ NewsRadio) — After surviving a tough battle with cancer, this survivor is looking to help out others that are going through treatment.
Dave Bethune was diagnosed with Stage 3 colorectal cancer in 2013, a diagnosis that took him completely by surprise. The Peabody native did not give up though, and after seven surgeries along with chemotherapy and radiation, Bethune has been cancer-free for several years.
"I just refused to lay down, I refused to give up," Bethune said. "The story has a happy ending but it wasn't without a lot of hurdles along the way."
Now Bethune is looking to help others deal with those hurdles. He wrote a book titled “#%@! Cancer Fight Club: 10 Core Principles & Inspirational Messages to Fight Cancer”, which he's hoping will help provide some inspiration to those who are fighting cancer.
"You just feel like the only person in the world who's ever dealt with this even though you know you haven't," Bethune said. "It's really hard and you have to dig really deep."
The book features quotes from authors, philosophers, and musicians and was self-published the book with the help of his daughters. He said the title of the book is based on his mindset early on during his fight with cancer.
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"I came up with the expression expletive cancer very early on because I was mad," Bethune said. "What I didn't want was for people to think of me as a victim and that was just my way of saying I've got this."
The book is available on Amazon.
WBZ's Brooke McCarthy (@BrookeWBZ) reports.
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