Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZNewsRadio) - After years of planning, construction is now underway on the first building at Suffolk Downs. A 280,000-square-foot life science lab and biomanufacturing facility expected to cost around $280 million, has broken ground near the MBTA's Blue Line Beachmont station on the Revere side of the project.
The massive redevelopment project at Suffolk Downs won approval in Boston and Revere in 2020 and will feature 16.2 million square feet of mixed use space at the former horse track.
The building at 100 Salt St. will house biomanufacturing on the first two floors, rising 24 feet in height, which is nearly twice the height of a standard lab building. Research and developments labs will be on the three floors above that and then rooftop mechanicals on the top floors. There will also be retail and restaurant space on the ground floor of the building.
Beyond the life science space, the HYM Investment Group plans to start construction within about a month on a 470-unit apartment building, and aims to have construction completed by the end of 2023.
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports
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