Photo: WBZ News Radio / Chris Fama
NEEDHAM (WBZNewsRadio) - Driving through Needham you might spot aluminum buckets hanging from neighborhood trees, it's all part of a maple syrup co-op that's been running there for the last several years.
What began as a sweet hobby is now tapping into the hearts of the community. Nick Tartar, a former college dean, is now fondly known as "the maple syrup guy".
"I has grown up on log cabin, that's all I knew." He told WBZ's Chris Fama. Tartar says his wife introduced him to the art of sugaring and he's been at it ever since.
In the beginning of March, Governor Charlie Baker declared March as "maple month" here in Massachusetts. With warmer days and cool nights, the sap begins to flow and trees are tapped for their liquid gold.
“Our Administration is happy to continue the tradition of recognizing our maple sugar producers who have long been a unique and important part of the Massachusetts agricultural industry, contributing over $12 million to the local economy and employing more than 1,000 workers,” said Governor Baker. “We are proud to support them and hope everyone will do the same by purchasing locally produced maple products this season.”
WBZ's Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) reports
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