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BOSTON (WBZNewsRadio) - Beer loves rejoice, today is your day. Thursday is National Beer Day.
"Thirsty Thursday, national beer day, it's perfect!" Co-owner of Trillium Brewery, Esther Tetreault said.
"We do about 100 new styles of new beer a year, so we do about 3-to-5 releases a week." Tetreault said. "We try and make national beer day really about community and focus on building our community, helping us support our community and give back to the people that take care of us."
The annual holiday is celebrated every year on April 7th, marking the anniversary of congressional passage of the 1933 of the Cullen-Harrison Act, which easer Prohibition-era restrictions and allowing the manufacture of low-alcohol beer and wines. Nine months later, on Dec. 5, 1933, the 21st Amendment repealed Prohibition altogether.
Good thing Massachusetts has a slew of craft breweries across the state, check out this map of every one in the state provided by the Massachusetts Brewers Guild.
Craft breweries in the U.S. date back to the late 1970's, the first opening shortly after President Jimmy Carter signing legislation that made home-brewery legal in 1978.
WBZ's Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) reports
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